Buffalo Grove, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography l 21 Quirky Facts

January 22, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

21 Things you may not know about me aka Alina Renert. Why 21 facts? Because 21 happens to be my favorite number and I was also born on April 21’st.

Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Photo credit: Claudiu Voichin Photography

1.     I was born on April 21, 1986…only five days prior to the Chernobyl Power plant eruption in Chernobyl, Ukraine. I was born in Odessa, which is 331 miles away but none the less acid rains, especially in April took a toll on my dad’s hair shortly after I was born. My dad’s too sexy for his hair…that’s why it’s no longer there. (Sorry daddy).

2.     I moved to Chicago when I was 7 ½ years old, I didn’t see my mom and brother for 4 months since they left for America before my dad and did.

3.     I hated English! I wanted nothing to do with it. (Hanging head in embarrassment)…I learned most of my conversational   English skills from watching Barney. Yes…Barney as in the giant purple dinosaur.

4.     I’m deathly afraid of spiders and clowns….both thanks to my older brother.

5.    When I was little I wanted to be a model and an actress. My parents let me go through everything while spending thousands of dollars on workshops/agencies/photographs...etc. Went through the whole process to be invited by an agent to move out to L.A. to pursue things further…to only decide it wasn’t my path in life.

6.     I’m a huge animal lover, the longest I’ve been without a pet is 4 months when my dog in Odessa ran away by accident.

7.     I graduated High School a semester early and enjoyed life to the fullest until starting college.

8.     I worked full time throughout college

9.     I have been tied-up and held at gun-point during a bank robber in 2008.

10.  I quit work and almost dropped out of college to take care of my sick grandfather.

11.  I went to Israel two summers in a row and cannot wait to go back again.

12.  I ran away from life in 2010 to study Photography in Florence, Italy. Best decision ever!

13.  I met my husband on Facebook…even though we knew most of each other’s friends and have been to several group gatherings together with no knowledge of one another.

14.  My husband proposed after 13 months of dating and we were married 13 months after that.

15.  I hated the process of planning a wedding! I didn’t even cry when I found my dress… (Which I loved!)

16.  My goal is to be a full-time photographer; I have a 5 year plan.

17.  I’m a step-mom to a wonderful 8 year old.

18.  I cannot wait to have more kids and be a mommy. (Even though it scares me!)

19.  I’m OBSESSED with the color lime green. I’m not sure when the obsession began but my room is lime green, cell phone, iPad…I’m dying to get the lime green Jeep.

20.  I want to travel the world and take at least one image to make a collage of every place I’ve ever visited.

21.  I love dance, all forms of it. Sadly I’m not very coordinated though. Therefore, I began a Dance Photography Project.  Currently on the ballet stage and hoping to move into more genres eventually. My end goal for the project is to show case the images for auction and to donate the proceeds to a children’s research hospital.  Check out the project as it stands so far at, Life on Pointehttp://www.alinarenert.com/dance

Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography

                                  Photo credit: Claudiu Voichin Photography



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