Chicago, IL - Alina Renert Photography l Helping raise money for Bennett's recovery -

September 09, 2014  •  Leave a Comment

Only a couple of days have passed since my initial post about Bennett and there's already been an amazing

out pour of support, donations and prayers which were tremendously uplifting for his family.

Let's not forget to keep sharing the donation link, this family can use ALL the support they can get at this difficult time. Bennett's parents are simply amazing, when I met them and watched their interaction with one another and Bennett it was heartwarming. There was so much love in the room. The way each of them kissed, hugged, read and tickled him was unbelievably touching. 

Most of the people I know gladly took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, by dumping ice over their heads AND donating. I'm not asking anyone to dump more ice on your head...I am asking that you help spread the message to help this family and their sweet little boy. 

I challenge everyone to
donate AND share with all their family, friends, co-workers, any forums you may be a part of. The more who know and are aware the more this family can rest easier and focus on bringing Bennett home to be with his little brother again. 

Here is the link:

If you are local you can also help this way: 


1. SHOW UP for a Registry Drive THIS MONTH, September 25th. There are two locations (cannot request to get tested specifically for Bennett, need to register with the national match)


CITY of CHICAGO -- September 25th, Thursday, at 2245 W. Ogden, Chicago, 9 am – 3:30 pm. There is also a blood drive same place, same time. Blood donations are important as people often require multiple transfusions during cancer treatments. For questions about this drive, contact Jennifer Vaughn at [email protected] or call her at (773)793-3990.


Swab a Cheek – Save a Life! Join the Gift of Life Bone Marrow Drive
Thursday, September 25, Rosh Hashanah
8:30 am – 2:00 pm, Rebecca K. Crown Social Hall of the North Shore Congregation Israel in Glencoe, 1185 Sheridan Rd, Glencoe, IL. 

The congregation has partnered with Gift of Life Bone Marrow Foundation and the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism to bring an exciting and unique opportunity to help save lives through a donor recruitment drive. Potential donors will be entered into the bone marrow registry. Registration is simple, it requires a quick cheek swab and completion of a consent form. Potential donors must be between the ages of 18 and 60 and in general good health. The only way to know if you can help save a life is to take the first step and get tested! The entire process takes less than 10 minutes... No need to pre-register, just walk in. For general questions contact Rabbi Lisa Greene, [email protected], or call her, (847) 835-0724.


2. Cannot make it in person, then go to "Join the marrow registry" to begin the process of joining the National Registry by answering a few questions, they will send you a test-at-home kit. Only takes a few minutes with a huge potential to SAVE A LIFE!

Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Get better soon Bennett!


Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography Chicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert PhotographyChicago, IL Photographer - Alina Renert Photography

Again, the link to donate is:


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